Come ask us your image analysis questions! The CellProfiler team at the Broad Institute is hosting bi-weekly virtual office hours where you can sign up for a 30-minute time slot to work one-on-one with an assay developer to help solve image analysis problems!
It is expected that prior to making an appointment for office hours, you first post your question at If you're still unable to get the help you need, office hours may be a good fit. One-on-one office hours are designed to help you develop your pipeline or make your existing pipeline better, so please make sure you have images available to share, when possible.
You may sign up for two slots per year. Office hours will be held via Zoom conferencing and the link will be sent to the email address you provide here. Please review the available slots below (all times Eastern USA) and click on the button to sign up.
Office hours are sponsored by COBA ( The Center for Open Bioimage Analysis (COBA) should be acknowledged in any publications arising from data analysis or software development with COBA using the following text: "The experiments reported in this paper were performed in collaboration with the Center for Open Bioimage Analysis (COBA) which is supported by National Institute of General Medical Sciences NIH P41 GM135019."